Note : To use this front-end you need to run pox on your local machine,not in a virtual mininet environment

*Requires python to be installed

1.Clone pox from github using –

git clone https://github.com/noxrepo/pox

Else point your browser here & download the zip file

2.Clone poxgui using

git clone https://github.com/abh15/pox-gui-frontend

Else point your browser here  & download the zip file

3.Install mono

-For Windows

Execute poxgui.exe

-For Mac

Download & install latest Mac OS X mono package from here                                                                From terminal cd into the directory where poxgui.exe is located and execute ‘mono poxgui.exe’

-For Linux

Download mono for your distribution from here                                                                             (Ubuntu users can download using ‘sudo apt-get install mono-complete’).                                     From terminal cd into the directory where poxgui.exe is located and execute ‘mono poxgui.exe’



-Give the path to folder containing pox.py

-Select the appropriate log level & run the required script.

-DO NOT run another script without terminating the current script.

-If you get ‘error 48 while binding socket: Address already in use’ force stop python process from task manager or restart the computer

